PassLeader released the NEWEST CompTIA CAS-003 exam dumps recently! Both CAS-003 VCE dumps and CAS-003 PDF dumps are available on PassLeader, either CAS-003 VCE dumps or CAS-003 PDF dumps have the NEWEST CAS-003 exam questions in it, they will help you passing CompTIA CAS-003 exam easily! You can download the valid CAS-003 dumps VCE and PDF from PassLeader here:Â (974 Q&As Dumps)
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A security engineer is performing a routine audit of a company’s decommissioned devices. The current process involves a third-party firm removing the hard drive from a company device, wiping it using a seven-pass software placing it back into the device and tagging the device for reuse or disposal. The audit reveals sensitive information is present m the hard drive duster tips. Which of the following should the third-party firm implement NEXT to ensure all data is permanently removed?
A.   Degauss the drives using a commercial tool,
B.   Scramble the file allocation table.
C.   Wipe the drives using a 21-pass overwrite.
D.   Disable the logic board using high-voltage input.